1814 MAGAZINE is a limited edition, bi annual publication that focuses on photography, design, art, and culture.

1814 MAGAZINE is dedicated to providing a unique platform for established and emerging artists.

1814 MAGAZINE strives to combine the best in both words and images from some of the greatest photographers and artists of the 20th and 21st century. Recent issues have included such celebrated artists as E.O. Hoppe, Massimo Vitali, Eudora Welty, Bernard Faucon, Donna DeMari, Karlheinz Weinberger as well as Henry Horenstein, Wang Qinsong, Vivian Maier, Georges Dambier, Christer Stromholm, Edward Ruscha, Yves Marchand & Romaine Meffre, Antony Armstrong Jones, Paulina Otylie Surys, Chris Stein, Mel Roberts, and Alexander Gronsky. Known for its clean gallery type presentation and unusual juxtapositions, 1814 MAGAZINE both mirrors and encourages the evolution of photography, art and culture.

The Ruins of Detroit - The confrontation between glory and the current condition - Photographs by Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre

1814: How did you come to choose the city of Detroit for this project?

M&M: Detroit is probably one of the most important cities of the XXth Century, with the mass production of the car, Detroit literally produced our modern world. As the road reshaped the landscape and the urban fabric sprawl, people could move faster and further. The city finally fell victim to the system that it created, that is why Detroit is a very symbolic place. Unfortunately Detroit had to struggle with all of the urban social problems: segregation, deindustrialization, suburbanization, disinvestment. All of these factors amplified the rate of urban decay, the city has been 'producing ruins' for almost 50 years. Many other American cities also have landscapes marked by decay but Detroit is among the strongest examples.
